About Redaktion

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So far Redaktion has created 184 blog entries.

LTS announces retirement of Michael Hoffmann and the appointment of Dr. Claudia Schaefer as the company’s Chief Operating Officer

January 1, 2024|Press Releases|

After more than 45 years at LTS, of which 8 as Board Member, Michael Hoffmann will retire from LTS on 31 December 2023. The position of Chief Operating Officer will be taken over by Dr. Claudia Schaefer as of 01.01.2024.

LTS and AWAKN LIFE SCIENCES enter into global licensing agreement for proprietary sublingual (S)-ketamine formulation

December 20, 2023|Press Releases|

The agreement is for a proprietary (S)-ketamine formulation, administered sub-lingually via an oral thin film (OTF) and Awakn will have global exclusivity of its use for Treatment of Addiction, Anxiety Disorders, and Eating Disorders.

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